All our poultry get to free-range during the daylight hours. The bugs, grass, weeds, fruits and seeds they forage, in addition to the quality non-medicated commercial feed and scratch grains they have access to all the time, makes for some very happy and healthy birds!
The Poultry Pen has gone through a major upgrades, both in infrastructure and bird numbers. The ‘Big Coop’ got a new white metal roof. This coop is home to our French Toulouse Geese Louise, who will be joined Spring 2025 by two new lady geese and another male. We have a limited regular supply of duck eggs available for sale. The geese won’t start laying again until maybe Fall of 2025, or Spring 2026. Both duck and geese eggs are richer and more viscous than chicken eggs; wonderful for baking, as well as eating on their own, or in any dish you’d use a chicken egg.
We added a second small coop (for a total of three coops) and totally enclosed run that is dedicated purely to our growing Silkie Bantam flock. These friendly little birds lay the cutest small cream-colored eggs. We have a mixed pen of buff, splash, blue and black. We also get some small/medium size eggs from crossing Silkies with a Lavender Araucana. A fun little side project.
Our chicken breeds include some Barnyard Mix Cockerels and Hens Hens, along with some purebreds. Between everyone we will be getting everything from dark brown to light brown. White and green. Add light to dark blue, come late Spring / early Summer 2025.
You can place orders for eggs via the website.

Eggs For Eating
Chicken Eggs
Large ‘Rainbow’ Half Dozen: $3.00
Large ‘Rainbow’ Dozen: $5.00
Small Bantam Blue/Cream Half Dozen: $2.00
Small Bantam Blue/Cream Dozen: $3.50

Eggs For Eating
Duck Eggs
Half Dozen: $4.00
Dozen: $7.50

Eggs For Eating
Goose Eggs
Per Egg: $5.00

Eggs For Hatching
All Prices + Shipping
Silkie Mixed Pen Half Dozen: $40
Silkie Mixed Pen Dozen: $70
Silkie Buff Only Half Dozen: $60
Silkie Buff Only Dozen: $100
Barnyard ‘Rainbow’ Dual Purpose Half Dozen: $30
Barnyard ‘Rainbow’ Dual Purpose Dozen: $50
Blue Swedish Duck Half Dozen: $40
Blue Swedish Duck Dozen: $70
French Toulouse Goose Per Egg: $10