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Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Meet our Nigerian Dwarf Goats and learn how

you can order and raise your own!



‘Triple Trouble’ as our three registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats are lovingly referred too, joined us as bottle babies at four day old on June 28th, 2020. After a two-month visit by "TATER" the blue-eyed registered Nigerian Dwarf stud, all three got pregnant. All kids Tater has sired to date have been born with blue eyes, a highly desired and unique trait to Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Between the end of November and beginning of December 2022, all three provided us with their first kids.


Overall it was a successful kidding season. Charlotte gave us twins, a BIG black and white boy we named Oreo and very spunky girl who looks a lot like her mother, named was close to Thanksgiving. Next came Savannah with quads. Unfortunately, one little guy didn't make it, I wasn't there for the birth and will probably always wonder if Iwas would it have made a difference. But she has three healthy kids, two boys (Dak and Cooper) and a girl (Dallas). Then finally Eloise, who we thought would be the first, gave birth to twins. It's hard to write this, because she didn't have an easy go of it. When I went out to check on everyone one last time about 10:30pm there was one fully dry kid. Within minutes another one arrived, but Mom wasn't interested in taking care of it to begin with. I dried her (twin girls) off and stayed with them until 2:30am when both had nursed and settled down. To cut a long couple of days short. Kid number two didn't make it. And Eloise rejected kid number one, so she became a 'Bottle Baby'. Of course, we called the vet out and she diagnosed Mom with a uterine infection. All the shots worked, and Eloise survived. 


Dak, Oreo and Dallas went to new homes, Dak to be a Herd Buck, Oreo as his wethered (castrated) companion, and Dallas to a different farm for breeding. Cooper was wethered and will be keeping his 'Dad' Tater company since Tater joined us fulltime to be our herd stud. We also added a new doe, Sugar, who recently had kids of her own and so comes to us in milk.


Fast forward to Fall 2023 and Eloise, Savannah and a goat we bought from another farm last year Sugar, are all pregnant, with Eloise due in the next couple of weeks, Savannah a few weeks after and Sugar a few weeks after that. Based on past kiddings for these three, I'm thinking we may be on tap for around ten kids total. 


Herdshare Program - Raw Milk 

This is the only way we can legally sell goats milk in MI. The Herdshare program provids the opportunity for folks to purchase a share, or half-share in our goat herd by paying towards their care and feeding expenses. In return, shareholders receive a share, or half-share of the milk they produce. Nigerian Dwarf Goats produce milk that is slightly sweet due to its high buttermilk content (8-10%). If you're allergic to cow's milk, or lactose intolerant, you may find goats milk works very well for you.


We use well researched and industry standards for gathering and handling our milk. Udders are washed and the first stripping's of milk at each milking are discarded. Milking is either done by hand or using a small portable machine and all milk is collected into stainless steel containers. It is then strained through a food grade filter into a specially cleaned glass container and immediately refrigerated.  Then all milking equipment is soaked and washed in a specialized cleaner, thoroughly rinsed and then air dried, ready to use the next time. 


If interested in joing the Herdshare Program, pleased submit a Contact Form


Nigerian Dwarf Kid

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